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US House Republicans win impeachment of Biden's top border official. American: The Senate approved close to 100 billion dollars for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, but the House of Representatives is w...

  • Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives narrowly voted 214-213, approving of two articles accusing Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas of not enforcing U.S. immigration laws and making false statements to the Congress. Mayokas will now face trial in the Senate where two-thirds majority is needed to remove him from office, which is unlikely due to the Democrat-controlled Senate. (Reuters)

  • The U.S. Senate passed a $95.3 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan after months of political wrangling, with nearly all Democrats and 22 Republicans approving. The bill is at the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, where its fate remains uncertain due to opposition from hardline Republicans aligning with Former President Donald Trump. (BBC)

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