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Turkey approves Sweden's NATO membership bid after 20-month delay, Alarming 45-fold rise in measles in Europe - WHO, Doomsday Clock time unchanged amid continued ‘global catastrophe’ threats.

  • Sweden and Finland first applied for NATO membership in 2022 to bolster its security in the face of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Turkey first raised objections over the countries’ support of groups it deems terrorists. Later in April, it approved of Finland’s membership; today, the Turkish parliament finally ratified Sweden’s NATO membership bid. (Reuters)

  • Health chiefs warn that cases are still rises and urgent measures are needed; approximately 42,200 people were infected in 2023 compared to the 941 in 2022. WHO believes this is because of fewer people vaccinated against diseases in the COVID pandemic. Though the vaccine is very effective, only about 85% of children entering primary school in the UK have been vaccinated. (BBC)

  • The time on the metaphorical Doomsday Clock remains unchanged at 90 seconds to midnight, the closest to midnight it’s ever been on the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists’ Tuesday announcement. Scientists say this is not a time to sit back and relax, but instead a time to respond urgently against these ominous global threats. (Global News)

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