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Greece legalises same sex marriage in landmark change. Russia has obtained a 'troubling' emerging anti-satellite weapon, the White House says. Venezuela orders UN human rights office to close, accu...

  • After tense debate, Greece’s Parliament passed a bill allowing same-sex civil marriage Thursday, becoming one of the first Orthodox Christian country to do so. This bill confers full parental rights on married partners but exclude surrogacy for gay couples. (Reuters)

  • The White House confirmed Thursday that Russia obtained a ‘troubling’ emerging anti-satellite weapon but said it cannot cause physical damage to the Earth, despite concerns on nuclear capability. The weapon is not currently operational; U.S. officials are analyzing and consulting with allies on the matter. (CTV News)

  • Venezuela’s government ordered Thursday for the U.N. office on human rights to suspend operations and gave the staff 72 hours to leave, accusing it of assisting coup plotters and twrrorist groups. A U.N. backed panel reported that the government has started a new wave of repression on democratic freedoms ahead of the upcoming presidential election. (Associated Press)

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