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Federal government announces 2-year cap on student permits, US appeals court revives Mexico's $10 billion lawsuit against gun makers, Jerusalem: Armenian Christians fight controversial land deal

  • In response to the ongoing housing crisis, the government says it will grant about 360,000 undergraduate study permits for 2024, a 35% reduction from 2023; this cap will go on for 2 years. Housing critics and leaders are calling Prime Minister Justin Trudeau out for mismanagement, since he was the one to grant the study permits. (CBC)

  • An U.S. appeal court revived a $10 billion lawsuit today on Mexico holding American gun manufacturers such as Beretta USA and Glock Inc. liable for facilitating weapon trafficking across the U.S.-Mexico border. The companies deny wrongdoing. (Reuters)

  • Last April, facts began to emerge about a 2021 contract secretly signed between the Armenian Patriarch and a Jewish Australian-Israeli developer. It gave a newly-created firm, Xana Gardens, a 98-year lease to build and operate a luxury hotel in an area known as the Cow's Garden. For two months, local Armenians and priests alike stayed in a large, improvised tent, trying to stop the development. This legal fight could easily take years. (BBC)

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