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After US strikes in Yemen, Iran issues a warning about suspected spy ships in the Mideast. At least 28 people died when shelling hit a bakery in Russian-occupied Ukraine. El Salvador's president ey...

  • Iran issued a warning Sunday to the U.S. over potentially targeting two cargo ships, the Behshad and Saviz in the Middle East suspected of serving as forward operating bases for Iranian commandos. This came after the U.S. and UK’s massive air strike campaign against Yemen’s Houthi rebels. (Associated Press)

  • Moscow-installed officials say at least 28 people were killed in shelling at a bakery in Russian-occupied Ukrainian city Lysychansk. Both Moscow and Kyiv have intensified attacks with longer-range weapons this winter on mostly unchanged positions in the 1,500 kilometre front line. (CTV News)

  • Salvadorans are voting in presidential and legislative elections revolving around tradeoff between security and democracy. Despite violating the constitution’s ban on re-election and critics’ accusations on human rights abuse, Nayib Bukele is most likely to win his second presidential term for his ruthless military crackdowns on gangs significantly reducing El Salvador violence. (BBC)

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